Brad Lynch


Brad Lynch
“I have a natural drive for action which explains why the ‘cut through’ style of working with business founders and entrepreneurial managers appeals to me as a private equity investor. It’s a work-life approach which is so powerful in its simplicity – focus on the things that matter, do them better than others and disregard the noise.”

My professional career has been mid market focused from both an advisory and principal investing perspective.  I started my career working at Ernst & Young focusing on valuations, business due diligence and mergers & acquisitions. For the last 18 years, I have been focused on mid-market investing,  holding senior private equity roles at the Riverside Company and ANZ Banking Group prior to joining Advent Partners.

I have partnered with some incredible investments in RMS Cloud, Flintfox, SILK Laser, Junior Adventures Group,  Valuation Exchange, Simcro, Sigma Coachair Group and Gentrack, just to name a few.  I hold a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance from FINSIA. I am also an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

My weekends are focused on planning or participating in a whole host of activities – trips to the surf coast for a swim or surf, or volunteering and participating in community sports.


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